

Tech Bits: Five Tips to Spot a Phishing Scam

Does the email you just received seem suspicious? If so, pause before you click! Cyber criminals may be trying to fool you into providing personal information and passwords using a phishing scam.

Consider the following tips to recognize a phishing scam so you don't get caught:

  1. The message was sent by an unfamiliar or unexpected sender. Phishing emails are often disguised, appearing to come from a legitimate sender, such as the President or other high-level officers at the university, Temple Human Resources, Temple Help Desk, a technology company such as Microsoft, or a bank or credit card company. Be sure to review the sender information closely. If the sender address is unfamiliar or unexpected, make sure not to click on anything! 
  2. The message is asking you for your password and personal information. Temple will never ask you for your password or personal information via email. 
  3. The message conveys a sense of urgency or heightened excitement. Phishing scams often try to scare or entice you to respond. That is why it’s so important to stop and think about the message before clicking on any links or taking action. If you’re concerned about the legitimacy of a message, contact the organization directly. Never reply to or engage with a suspicious email.  
  4. The message contains unexpected links and attachments. Never click on an unexpected link or attachment in a suspicious message. These links often lead to fraudulent websites designed to capture your username, password and other personal information.  
  5. The message sometimes includes spelling, grammar and writing errors. While you may see spelling, grammar and writing mistakes, phishing emails are becoming more sophisticated with fewer errors. That’s why it’s important to recognize all signs of phishing scams.

If you spot any of these signs in a message, do not respond or click any links or attachments. Instead, forward the email to abuse@temple.edu. We also encourage you to check systemstatus.temple.edu, where reported phishing scams may be posted. 

Visit our Phishing webpage to learn more about phishing and other ways to stay cyber safe this semester.